Sunday, January 27, 2008

Don't forget your jacket

Can you hear that familiar music?
Something special isn't it? - I call it my getaway.
Each beat spins my mind in a million recognizable ways.

You can hear it in the silence of the night,
where it's lit up by the street lamps, allowing my passing
shadow to dance between the bottomless puddles on the road.

The fog hides my complacent incomplete grin
complete with a pair of fingers tapping, two o'clock on the wheel,
and my toes cramped in my shoe, trying to stay in beat.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Mind Block

I'm having a hard time putting words down. I have vague ideas that I may like to express but no clue as to how I'm to do this. I've done some photography today too, and wasn't too impressed with much of the shots. There is a serious lack of connection with any subject I shoot lately. I don't know what subject/idea/style to focus on. I could go for something short-esque, as long bodies of writing seem like too much commitment at this point. Anyway, anything that would kick start the creative process is welcome. Comment away and help me get something down.