Sunday, April 29, 2007

Revision Complete

With the semester winding down, it was time to finish my short story revision... finally. The ending didn't change much from the first draft. I decided I enjoyed that ending. To me, it summarizes some feeling that I was trying to portray. I'll leave it up for the reader to figure out exactly what it means.

That said, I will admit that the ending was a bit rushed. I'm still all over the place trying to wrap up final projects. I'm proud with most of the other revisions I have made, so I'm not kicking myself too much. That said, this story is being locked away. I'd still like to hear your thoughts and suggestions, but I doubt I'll be revising any further, unless I intend to send it out elsewhere.

For those too lazy to click the link on the side, you can read the full story here.
Dilapidated Disposition

Oh, and I stuck with the name. Some suggested that it was just a nice sounding title with no meat to it, but perhaps after reading the story you'll be able to make the connection between the title and the main character.

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