Monday, May 11, 2009

A year and eight days ago I sat with my graduating class. All dressed up in caps and gowns, ready to enter the world. I was tickled by the coincidental timing. The day I was born was to be the day I was set free to live my own life. It was ever so slightly intimidating, scary and ... unknown.

And there we sat, listening to a friend solo on his sax to the national anthem. We all heard the bad note he was making up for, but it didn't matter. The one sour note only reminded me of our rehearsal. It was nothing like what I expected a rehearsal to be. Instead of parading us around the gymnasium, we sat and listened to one of the wisest statements I've ever heard.

"This is your day. Who cares if you trip, or stumble on stage. Have fun and be proud of yourselves."

Now here I am. A year older and hopefully a year wiser. Sadly, it wasn't until eight days ago that I realized the value of those words spoken. Amidst trying to build my career, get a house and hopefully one day meeting someone truly special, each day from that day has been mine. I will trip and I will stumble on stage. I will hear many sour notes, but with them will come great improvisations that will sing "I made a mistake but I'm living life to the fullest!"

I will try not to forget that, and I hope no one else does either.

Happy one year anniversary MTU class of 2008!

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