Thursday, March 27, 2008

Old Beginnings

Here are some things I started with and abandoned
after a few lines. Some of it I like by itself, others may
one day pick up to be a bigger piece. Someone told
me to look back on old stuff and to post more so
here it is. Feel free to comment and make suggestions.

"As a child,
my dreams were wild
and still today
I dream that way"

"I started a company
to realize my dream
others follow my dream
so that they can eat"

"I don't know what I want
music, my music
only mine because
they don't want it."

"I want to fall asleep
and wake up yesterday
so that I can know
what happens tomorrow.
maybe it'll be different
from today."

"Today I woke up to guitars out
my window. Three floors below
sat a middle aged man entertaining
the crowded streets. Whistling,
rather than attempting to sing
the nonexistent words."

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